DK Expressions

Time Travellers Freezing your Good Times in Space


Valentines Day 14th FEB13

Geez how different this year feels 
As I sit here under the #stars with a soft breeze flowing past me 
All I think about is how things used to be on the #14th February 

As far back as I can #remember from age 7 I always had someone to be my #Valentine 
but now I’m 32 and without a #clue 
I have no one to 
Call my#Baby or my #Valentine 
Not even my #Boo. 

But one day I will find the one 
Who will forever be my #Valentine 
That much I know to be #true 

I have so much Love #trapped inside my #heart 

That once I meet her will it automatically Start

To rush out 

and when it eventually does

I’ll have someone to call mine and that someone

Will #forever be my #Valentine!